Thursday, November 20, 2008

remember the lasts

Don't they always make a liar out of you. Tonight while the three of us were playing Makayla took 5 steps to Nathan. I say sob, sob because I have really been enjoying my baby girl. I don't consider 5 steps walking, but she is much closer. When she starts walking that means that she is no longer a baby because then she becomes a toddler. I get weekly updates from babycenter on average baby development, and the 1st one that I got after her birthday said your toddler this week instead of your baby this week. I was thinking "no way". She is a baby not a toddler. I still secretly miss the 8 week old that would just hang out and nurse on demand. I sometimes miss that, but then I am snapped back into the reality of what having an 8 week old really means.

I am so excited that she is moving forward, but I am going to miss the crawler. I know one thing for sure....that we get really caught up in the "firsts". You know first bottle, first solid food, first tooth, and first step. We get so caught up with the "firsts" that we don't realize the lasts when we see them. How many of you remember the lasts? Some of the lasts I am talking about are the last bottle, last jar of baby food, and last time they crawled to you before they walked for good. There was a thread on babycenter about this that really got me thinking about it. I am so glad that I read through those posts because it helped me realize that I did not want to miss her lasts because of her firsts that will follow. I am savoring these last few weeks of crawling and plan to video so much of it because I don't want to forget these last few weeks for this stage of our family. Our family of 3 will never again see the days of a crawling baby after she becomes a walker. I guess that what I am trying to say is that it is so important to remember the lasts because they are just as momentous as firsts just less recognized. If you think that your little one is out of lasts there are plenty more. Make sure that you remember the last diaper that you change, last time to use their sippy, last time to use their high chair, last night in their crib, the last time that you rock them to sleep , and their last time to lose a baby tooth. I feel like all of these occasions are so memorable, but we often forget to remember them but wish that we had.

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