Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yum! Yum! Mum Mums!

Makayla loves Baby Mum Mums rice rusks! Thanks Jennifer for the tip! She eats the veggie flavored. She actually does really well feeding herself. She is not too crazy about the little puffs. To be honest, I don't give them to her very often because their small size freaks me out! These are much bigger, so I don't worry to much about choking. I read the other day that they are much less likely to choke when feeding themselves than when others feed them because they have more control. That gives me some peace of mind.

Stay tuned. You will get a nice-n-crunchy video of this milestone tomorrow.



Martina said...

how funny!! we let drew gnaw on some hot dog bread at a party last weekend and he shoveled it in. they're so amazing, aren't they?? :)

McLeodx5 said...

that's so funny...why do babies have to get older? what a fun milestone, though! :)
